
About Me

I enjoy making things from scratch. "It tastes better when it's made with love", my husband always says. My all time favorite recipes that I use over and over, have come from Brandon's side of the family. They are country rooted and have a down-home cooking feel that I appreciate. Now that I live in a rural area myself... these country folks really are the best cooks. I have collected many tasty recipes from them as well.
I also love healthy recipes and getting as much protein in as I can. I’ll have to do better at sharing those recipes as well!

I hope you find a wide variety of delicious things to enjoy with your family and friends! In my opinion, food makes every occasion better.


A little more about me and my bunch ----> I lived in California during my grade school years, then moved to Utah when I was 11 years old. I grew up in urban areas of Utah until I met my country boy, Brandon. He is anything BUT urban and I love it! He took me for a ride in a big green tractor our first date, and I knew then, I would never want to leave his side.

We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and were married for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake City Temple on September 26, 2008.

We started off with 3 kids, then had 3 more together... we have a Yours (Baylee & Abbee), Mine (Kalyssa), & Ours (William, Paisley, and Emmy) kind of family. Having a family of eight is a lot of work and a lot of blessings.   

Brandon owns and operates two businesses, Air Field Ag and Pasture Pros. I am the office help for them, and a part-time Nail Technician, working from my in-home salon.
I cherish being a mother above all else. I look forward to everyday I get to shuffle teenagers to and from sports, and the slower days I can snuggle the grand kids. I am so blessed!

Brandon is my best friend. With each passing year, I love him more!

Thanks for stopping by.


Fun Facts About Me (not in any order):

- I used to be quite the runner. I've participated in over 25 races (5Ks, 10Ks, a 15K, and a 10-miler), and a few half marathons.

- I can touch my nose with my tongue.

- I am the most gullible person alive. If you tell me something with a straight face I'll believe you.

- I played soccer for 8 years as a kid.

- If I could go back and live in the 1800's for one day, I would. I love the fashion from that era and the simple way of life...

This would be us!

- Family history work is dear to my heart. Preforming  temple ordinances for my deceased ancestors is a rewarding work. 

- Brandon and I met on a blind date.

- The one food I can't live without is chips.

- I served (with Brandon) as State Committee members for the Utah Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers and got to travel a little and helped spread awareness on agriculture.

- I am left-handed. We lefties have a special holiday just for us... August 13th is International Left-Handers Day.

- I gave birth to fraternal twin girls in 2011. They were my perfectly healthy little miracles...

Paisley Ann & Emmy Lou

- I have a spider phobia. Even typing the word gives me the heebee geebees.

- I love to exercise! I attend High Fitness classes regularly, lift weights a few times a week, and do yoga 1 day a week. I bring my granddaughter with me to class whenever I can. 

- I love RZR/dirt bike riding with my family. And hiking whenever we can!

- I have a deep love and appreciation for the Savior of the World. I recognize His blessings and the strength He gives me everyday.